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Kluwell Publications
Kluwell Publications Pty Ltd is dedicated to improving the literacy skills of children around the world through the My Home Reading Program.
Popped into Officeworks Waurn Ponds, Victoria and proudly spotted our journals on the shelf. Lovely service from Alicia, who used our journals when she was at primary school. Love hearing stories of Kluwell Publications making lasting memories for students. #kluwell #learningtoread #australianmade #AustralianOwned
#kluwell📣 National Simultaneous Storytime 2024 announcement 📣 We are delighted to reveal next year's book will be Bowerbird Blues by Australian author and illustrator Aura Parker. Save the date for Wednesday 22 May! Scholastic Australia #LibraryStorytimebuff.ly/44uTmpM
"In that time, children’s book loans have jumped. For the first three months of this year, picture book loans were up 45.8 per cent and infant board books up 22.1 per cent compared with the same three months last year." Books being delivered to homes, more books being borrowed at libraries, what a fantastic program. This is the reason Kluwell Publications is a proud sponsor of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Australia#kluwell #motivatingchildrentoread #learningtoread #prereadingskills #raisingreaders
How Dolly Parton has sparked a reading revolution in central western NSW
The babies of Gilgandra are falling in love with reading, and it’s thanks in large part to country music star Dolly Parton.
#kluwellNever underestimate the power of a smile or simple act of kindness 💙#DollysDream #BeKind #DoItForDolly #DoItForDollyDaydoitfordollyday.org.au/
Did you know it’s Harry Potter Day today? 🔮 ✨Fans will be pleased to know that the whole series is on the Premiers’ Reading Challenge book list.In fact, every year, the Harry Potter books are some of the most popular Challenge books.There are plenty of other books to choose from if Hogwarts isn’t your thing. Check out the book list and register for the Challenge at: bit.ly/3mZhukE#VicPRC #HarryPotterDay